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In Re Petition for Habeas Corpus of Willie Yu v Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Bienvenido P Alano, JR , Major Pabalan, Deleo Hernandez, Bloddy Hernandez, Benny Reyes and Jun Espiritu Santo   flag 

[1989] PHSC 36
Supreme Court of the Philippines
24th January, 1989

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Ng Fung Ho v White 259 US 283; 259 US 276; 66 L Ed 938; 42 SCt 492 United States Supreme Court United States 29 May 1922 WorldLII flag 135
United States ex rel Bilokumsky v Tod 263 US 149; 68 L Ed 221; 44 SCt 54 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Nov 1923 WorldLII flag 126
(1968) 25 Scra 890 (1968) 25 SCRA 890 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 3
Oh Hek How vs Republic 29 SCRA 94 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1923 flag 3

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