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Bank of the Philippine Islands (successor-in- interest of Commercial and Trust Co) v Hon Court of Appeals, Eastern Plywood Corporation and Benigno D Lim   flag 

[1994] PHSC 246
Supreme Court of the Philippines
10th May, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Valera v Inserto (1987) 149 SCRA 533 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1987 flag 9
Guingona, Jr v City Fiscal of Manila (1984) 128 SCRA 577 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1984 flag 20
96 Scra 96 96 SCRA 96 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1984 flag 8
People v Ong 204 SCRA 942 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1984 flag 8
271 SW 2d 274 271 SW 2d 274 US circa 1984 1
Iowa-Des Moines Nat Bank and Trust Co 10 FSupp 430 United States Westlaw flag 1
20 Or 17 20 OR 17 Canada flag 2
10 Or 200 10 OR 200 Canada flag 1
188 P 410 188 P 410 1
16 f2d 159 16 F2d 159 United States Westlaw flag 1

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