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In Re: Letter of Freddie P Manuel, 65 Canan, Paniqui, Tarlac, which appeared in column of Pompeyo Navarro's "Action Line" of the Manila Times' issue of 28 October   flag 

[1994] PHSC 440
Supreme Court of the Philippines
4th August, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Luna v Plaza 26 SCRA 310 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 27
People v Casiano 111 Phil 73 Philippines flag 21
Lozada v Hernandez 92 Phil 1051 Philippines flag 21
Zacarias v Cruz 30 SCRA 728 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 21
Callanta v Villanueva 77 SCRA 377 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 15
Bagcal v Villaraza 120 SCRA 525 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 12
People v Olandag 92 Phil 286 Philippines flag 8
Nombres v People 105 Phil 1259 Philippines flag 4

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