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William Dayag, Eduardo Corton, Edgardo Corton, Leopoldo Nagma, Aloy Flores, Romeo Punay and Edwin Dayag v Hon Potenciano S Canizares, JR , National Labor Relations Commission and Young's Construction Corporation   flag 

[1998] PHSC 169
Supreme Court of the Philippines
6th March, 1998

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Sulpicio Lines, Inc v NLRC (1996) 254 SCRA 506 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1996 flag 2
(1994) 238 Scra 389 (1994) 238 SCRA 389 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1994 flag 2
186 Scra 491 186 SCRA 491 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1996 flag 4
El Toro Security Agency, Inc v National Labor Relations Commission 256 SCRA 363 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 12
Philippines, Inc v National Labor Relations Commission 209 SCRA 834 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Phils Salaried Employee Association v NLRC 156 SCRA 284 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Sweet Lines, Inc v Teves 83 SCRA 361 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 32
Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corporation v NLRC 183 SCRA 451 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 42
Lopez v NLRC 245 SCRA 644 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 14
People v Leviste 255 SCRA 238 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 29
Philippine-Singapore Ports Corporation v NLRC 218 SCRA 77 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 19
Senate and House of Representntives ' Art 1 SEC 1 United States flag 74
11 Sec 2 11 SEC 2 United States flag 29
4 Sec 4 4 SEC 4 United States flag 28

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