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KL v Worcestershire County Council   flag 

[2000] EWHC Admin 303
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
15th March, 2000

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Education Act 1944 (Tas)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
C v Buckinghamshire County Council [1999] EWCA Civ 926; [1999] ELR 179 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 9 Mar 1999 BAILII flag 23
Richardson v Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and the Special Educational Needs Tribunal [1998] EWCA Civ 3535; (1998) 42 BMLR 182; [1998] ELR 319 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 12 Feb 1998 BAILII flag 20
R v Commissioner for Local Administration; Ex parte Croydon London BC [1989] 1 All ER 1033; [1989] COD 226; [1989] Fam Law 187 United Kingdom circa 1989 LexisNexis flag 79
Watt v Kesteven County Council [1955] 1 QB 408; [1955] 2 WLR 499 United Kingdom circa 1955 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 11
S v Special Educational Needs Tribunal and the City of Westminster [1996] ELR 102 circa 1996 11
South Glamorgan County Council v L and M [1996] ELR 400 circa 1996 8
Statement of Objects and Reasons, The [1996] Act 10 United Kingdom circa 1996 flag 9

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