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Superintending Engineer, Irrigation v DEVENDER REDDY - CRP   flag 

[2000] INAPHC 180
High Court of Andhra Pradesh
India - Andhra Pradesh
8th August, 2000

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Secretary, Irrigation Department, Govt of Orissa Vs GC Roy AIR 1992 SC 732 Supreme Court of India India circa 1992 flag 26
Air 1987 SC 81 AIR 1987 SC 81 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 17
[1992] SC 732 [1992] SC 732 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1992 flag 8
Orissa v Sudhakar Das (2000) 3 SCC 27 circa 2000 4
Executive Engineer Irrigation Galimala a v Abaaduta Jena [1987] INSC 264; [1988] 1 SCC 418; 1987 2 SCALE 675; 1987 4 JT 8; 1988 1 SCR 253; AIR 1988 SC 1520 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 2
2000 2 Ald 80 2000 2 ALD 80 Australia circa 2000 LexisNexis AU flag 1
(1999) 6 SCC 64 (1999) 6 SCC 64 circa 1999 1

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