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Prosecutor v Radislav Krstic - Trial Chamber I - Judgment - en IT-98-33   flag 

[2001] ICTY 27
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia
2nd August, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
591 P 594 591 P 594 1
(1962) 36 Ilr 1968 (1962) 36 ILR 1968 circa 1968 6
643 P 582 643 P 582 circa 1968 2
165 P 508 165 P 508 circa 1968 2
661 P 666 661 P 666 circa 1968 1
343 P 466 343 P 466 circa 1968 2
666 P 667 666 P 667 circa 1968 2
487 P 404/61 487 P 404/61 circa 1968 2
689 P 16/2 689 P 16/2 circa 1968 2
492 P 493 492 P 493 2
707 P 706 707 P 706 2
496 P 497 496 P 497 2
878 P 502 878 P 502 2
502 P 503 502 P 503 2
886 P 01908764 886 P 01908764 1
507 P 503 507 P 503 2
886 P 01908768 886 P 01908768 1
582 P 643 582 P 643 1
886 P 01908769 886 P 01908769 1
925-926 P 40 925-926 P 40 2
2 P 590 2 P 590 2
98 P 830 98 P 830 2
490 P 491 490 P 491 2
[1741] P 127 [1741] P 127 circa 1741 2
500 P 501 500 P 501 3
[1995] P 502 [1995] P 502 circa 1995 2
517 P 521 517 P 521 1
[1995] P 506 [1995] P 506 circa 1995 2
1187 P 136 1187 P 136 2
[1998] P 180 [1998] P 180 circa 1998 2
494 P 495 494 P 495 2
[1999] P 143 [1999] P 143 circa 1999 2
589 P 582 589 P 582 1
VAffaire Novislav Djajic 3 Stair Rep 20/96 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 9
[2000] P 179 [2000] P 179 circa 2000 2
472 P 478 472 P 478 1
504 P 506 504 P 506 2

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