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AMI Insurance Ltd v New Zealand Automobile Association Inc HC Wellington CIV 2003-485-836   flag 

[2004] NZHC 1384
High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand
15th July, 2004

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
VB Distributors Ltd v Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd [1999] NZHC 848; (1999) 9 TCLR 349; (1999) 53 IPR 466 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 7 Dec 1999 NZLII flag 117
New Zealand Breweries Ltd v Heineken ’ s Bier Browerij Maatschappij NV [1964] NZLR 115 New Zealand circa 1964 LexisNexis flag 373
Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co v Hy-Line Chicks Pty Ltd [1978] 2 NZLR 50; [1979] RPC 410 New Zealand circa 1979 LexisNexis flag 921
Campomar Sociedad Ltd v Nike International Ltd (2000) 46 IPR 481 circa 2000 LexisNexis AU 17
Polaroid Corporation v Hannaford and Burton [1975] 1 NZLR 566 New Zealand circa 1975 LexisNexis flag 74
Effem Foods Ltd v Commissioner of Trade Marks (1996) 7 TCLR 246; 5 NZBLC 104,209 New Zealand circa 1996 flag 21
Re Hack's Application (1940) 58 RPC 91 circa 1940 101
Jellinek ’ s Application (1946) 63 RPC 59; (1946) 1A IPR 393 circa 1946 LexisNexis AU 510
Smith Hayden & Co Ltd ’ s Application (1945) 63 RPC 97 circa 1945 695
McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd v Conagra Inc [2002] 3 NZLR 41 New Zealand circa 2002 LexisNexis flag 2
Smith, Kline and French Laboratories Ltd v Sterling-Winthrop Group Ltd [1976] RPC 511 circa 1976 40
Duckworth, Turner & Co Ltd v Commissioner of Trade Marks [1959] NZLR 1341 New Zealand circa 1959 LexisNexis flag 9
Southern Cross Refrigeration Co v Toowoomba Foundry Pty Ltd (1953-4) 91 CLR 592 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1953 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1513
Kitto Jin Southern Cross Refrigerating Co v Toowoomba Foundry Pty Ltd (1953) 91 CLR 592 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1953 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1513
re Fanfold Ltd's Application (1928) 45 RPC 199 circa 1928 6
2 NZLR 422 2 NZLR 422 New Zealand circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 28
[1960] RPC 774 [1960] RPC 774 circa 1960 10
General Electric Co v General Electric Co Ltd [1972] 2 All ER 507; [1973] RPC 297; [1972] 1 WLR 729; (1972) 1B IPR 543 United Kingdom circa 1972 LexisNexis flag 246

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