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Rajendra Sail v Madhya Pradesh High Court Bar Association   flag 

[2005] INSC 272
Supreme Court of India
21st April, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Andre Paul Terence Ambard Vs The Attorney General for Trinidad and Tabago AIR 1936 PC 141 Privy Council India circa 1936 flag 16
Bijay Kumar Mahanty v Jadu Alias Ram Chandra Sahoo AIR 2003 SC 657 Supreme Court of India India circa 2003 flag 2
Brahma Prakash Sharma v Uttar Pradesh [1953] INSC 41; [1954] SCR 1169; AIR 1954 SC 10 Supreme Court of India India 8 May 1953 LIIofIndia flag 12
MC Mehta v Union of India In The Matter Of: M/s Ashok Chhabra & Co [(2003) 5 SCC 376 circa 2003
Perspective Publications Pvt Ltd & Anr v Maharashtra AIR 1971 SC 221 Supreme Court of India India circa 1971 flag 7
Times of India v Arabinda Bose & Anr [1952] INSC 76; [1953] SCR 215; AIR 1953 SC 75 Supreme Court of India India 12 Dec 1952 LIIofIndia flag 4
1 SCC 626 1 SCC 626 circa 1953 9
1 SCC 975 1 SCC 975 circa 1953 1
2 SCC 298 2 SCC 298 circa 1953 2
2 SCC 343 2 SCC 343 circa 1953 6
3 All Er 1062 3 All ER 1062 United Kingdom circa 1953 LexisNexis flag 3
3 SCC 167 3 SCC 167 circa 1953 12
3 SCC 339 3 SCC 339 circa 1953 2
3 SCC 343 3 SCC 343 circa 1953 12
3 SCC 427 3 SCC 427 circa 1953 3
3 SCC 739 3 SCC 739 circa 1953 5
4 SCC 21 4 SCC 21 3
5 SCC 216 5 SCC 216 circa 1953 4
6 SCC 466 6 SCC 466 circa 1953 2
6 SCC 510 6 SCC 510 circa 1953 2
6 SCC 722 6 SCC 722 circa 1953 1
6 SCC 735 6 SCC 735 circa 1953 4
7 SCC 530 7 SCC 530 circa 1953 3

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