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Vellikannu v R Singaperumal & Anr   flag 

[2005] INSC 321
Supreme Court of India
6th May, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Maharashtra v Narayan Rao Sham Rao Deshmukh [1985] INSC 62; 1985 1 SCALE 601; 1985 2 SCC 321; 1985 3 SCR 358; AIR 1985 SC 716 Supreme Court of India India 19 Mar 1985 LIIofIndia flag 10
Air 1956 All 707 AIR 1956 All 707 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1956 flag 1
[1969] SC 1333 [1969] SC 1333 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1969 flag 1
(1938) 32 Bom 275 (1938) 32 Bom 275 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 1
[1982] Bomb 68 [1982] Bomb 68 India - Maharashtra circa 1982 flag 1
Air 1953 All 759 AIR 1953 All 759 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1953 flag 1
Air 1924 PC 209 AIR 1924 PC 209 Privy Council India circa 1924 flag 2

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