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Tiu Hiong Guan, v Metropolitan Bank & Trust co   flag 

[2006] PHSC 826
Supreme Court of the Philippines
9th August, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(2005) 448 Scra 705 (2005) 448 SCRA 705 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2005 flag 4
(2005) 455 Scra 714 (2005) 455 SCRA 714 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2005 flag 6
(2005) 474 Scra 510 (2005) 474 SCRA 510 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2005 flag 8
(2005) 475 Scra 149 (2005) 475 SCRA 149 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 2005 flag 8
Pacific Banking Corporation v Intermediate Appellate Court (1991) 203 SCRA 496 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 9
Garcia v Court of Appeals 191 SCRA 493 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 34
Luzon TJ Co v Quebral 127 SCRA 295 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 6
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co 435 SCRA 639 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 4
Rizal Commercial Banking vs CA 178 SCRA 739 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 15
[1993] P 830 [1993] P 830 circa 1993 1
Molino v Security Diners International Corporation 415 Phil 587 Philippines flag 7
Agra v Philippine National Bank 368 Phil 829 Philippines flag 10

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