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Shobha Jayaprakash, Wife of v the Union of India, Represented by - WP(Crl)   flag 

[2007] INKLHC 13435
High Court of Kerala
India - Kerala
18th July, 2007

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Union of India v Paul Manickam (2003) 8 SCC 342 circa 2003 23
Ashok Kumar v Delhi Administration [1982] 2 SCC 403; 1982 3 SCR 707; 1982 1 SCALE 459; AIR 1982 SC 1143 Supreme Court of India India circa 1982 flag 19
Rama Dhondu Borade v vK Saraf, Commissioner of Police [1989] INSC 183; 1989 3 SCC 173; AIR 1989 SC 1861; 1989 1 SCALE 1581; 1989 2 JT 579; 1989 3 SCR 191; [1989] SCC (Cri) 520 Supreme Court of India India 5 May 1989 LIIofIndia flag 8
SMF Sultan Abdul Kader v Jt Secy , to Govt of India (1998) 8 SCC 343 circa 1998 6
Iqbal v Union of India (1992) 1 SCC 434 circa 1992 5
Naresh Kumar Goyal v Union of India (2005) 8 SCC 276 circa 2005 4
KPM Basheer v Karnataka & Anr [1992] INSC 64; 1992 1 SCR 1075; 1992 3 JT 610; 1992 1 SCALE 525; 1992 2 SCC 295; AIR 1992 SC 1353 Supreme Court of India India 28 Feb 1992 LIIofIndia flag 3
Lekha Nandakumar v Government of India 2004 2 KLT 1094 India - Kerala circa 2004 flag 2
A Mohammed Farook v Govt of India (2000) 2 SCC 360 circa 2000 2
Ramesh Nahar v Union of India (1999) 4 SCC 116 circa 1999 2
Narayanan Nair v John Kurien) 1988 1 KLT 673 India - Kerala circa 1988 flag 2
(1998) 4 SCC 260 (1998) 4 SCC 260 circa 1998 1
Air 1992 SC 1900 AIR 1992 SC 1900 Supreme Court of India India circa 1900 flag 1
Bhawarlal Ganeshmalji v Tamil Nadu & Anr [1978] INSC 252; [1979] 1 SCC 465; [1979] 2 SCR 633; AIR 1979 SC 541 Supreme Court of India India 11 Dec 1978 LIIofIndia flag

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