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Govindaraj v The Sub Divisional Magistrate - CrlOP (MD)No 1021 of 2007   flag 

[2007] INTNHC 514
High Court of Madras
India - Madras
7th February, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Krupasindh v Rez AIR 1951 Ori 277 India - Orissa circa 1951 flag 1
[1950] Nag 859 [1950] Nag 859 India - Maharashtra circa 1950 flag 1
Semble: Ganga Dayal v Mani Ram [1908] ILR 31 circa 1908 5
Rathinam Pillai v Emperor
CrlLJ 165], Mohamed Ismail v R AIR 1924 All 195 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1924 flag 1
Khetramohandas v Emperor AIR 1943 Pat 376 India - Bihar circa 1943 flag 1

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