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Ram Prakash @ Palu v Baddal Husain & Another - SECOND APPEAL   flag 

[2007] INUPHC 8437
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
4th May, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Bhup Narain Singh v Gokul Chand Mahton AIR 1934 PC 68 Privy Council India circa 1934 flag 4
Mohammad Aslam Khan v Feroze Shah AIR 1932 PC 228 Privy Council India circa 1932 flag 3
Air 2002 SC 1711 AIR 2002 SC 1711 Supreme Court of India India circa 2002 flag 2
Air 1999 SC 1441 AIR 1999 SC 1441 Supreme Court of India India circa 1999 flag 20
Air 1998 SC 2028 AIR 1998 SC 2028 Supreme Court of India India circa 1998 flag 4
Air 1961 MP 176 AIR 1961 MP 176 India - Madhya Pradesh circa 1961 flag 3

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