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M/S South Konkan Distilleries & Anr v Prabhakar Gajanan Naik   flag 

[2008] INSC 1527
Supreme Court of India
9th September, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
L J Leach and Co Ltd v Jardine Skinner and Co [1957] INSC 4; [1957] SCR 438; AIR 1957 SC 357 Supreme Court of India India 22 Jan 1957 LIIofIndia flag 44
Air 1967 SC 96 AIR 1967 SC 96 Supreme Court of India India circa 1967 flag 25
3 SCC 392 3 SCC 392 circa 1957 8
Gajanan Jaikishan Joshi v Prabhakar Mohanlal Kalwar [1989] INSC 381; (1990) 1 SCC 166; 1989 4 JT 524; 1989 2 SCR Supl 474; 1989 2 SCALE 1323 Supreme Court of India India 13 Dec 1989 LIIofIndia flag 7
[1985] SC 817 [1985] SC 817 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1985 flag 5
6 SCC 163 6 SCC 163 circa 1989 4

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