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[2010] Hkcfi 649 (11 June 2010)   flag 

[2010] HKCFI 649
Hong Kong Court of First Instance
Hong Kong
11th June, 2010

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
CIR v Inland Revenue Board of Review [1989] 2 HKLR 40 Hong Kong circa 1989 Westlaw flag 38
Aust-Key Co Ltd v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2001] HKCFI 267; [2001] 2 HKLRD 275 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 21 Mar 2001 HKLII flag 11
Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Inland Revenue Board of Review [1989] HKCA 286; [1989] 2 HKC 66 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 28 Nov 1989 HKLII flag 5
Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Hongkong International Terminals Ltd [2007] HKCFA 82; (2007) 10 HKCFAR 717; [2008] 2 HKLRD 52 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 4 Dec 2007 HKLII flag 4
R v Shiel (1900) 82 LT 587 United Kingdom circa 1900 flag 4
Sanford Yung-tao Yung v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [1979] HKLR 429 Hong Kong circa 1979 Westlaw flag 3

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