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Pui Jin Teck Vs Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri Malaysia Pegawai Yang Menjaga Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak The Government Of Malaysia   flag 

[2010] MYSSHC 256
High Court of Sabah and Sarawak
6th August, 2010

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
TPR Kes PP v Lee Chwee Kiok (1979) 1 MLJ 45 Malaysia circa 1979 LexisNexis flag 26
Goon Kwee Phoy v J & P Coats (M) Bhd [1986] 2 MLJ 129 Malaysia circa 1986 LexisNexis flag 20
Yaacob v PP [1971] 1 MLJ 67 Malaysia circa 1971 LexisNexis flag 8
Tan Kim Chuan v Chandu Nair [1991] 1 MLJ 42 Malaysia circa 1991 LexisNexis flag 7
Lee Kew Sang v Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Malaysia [2005] 3 CLJ 914 circa 2005 3
[2010] 1 LNS 559 [2010] 1 LNS 559 Malaysia circa 2010 flag 1
(2007) 8 CLJ 717 (2007) 8 CLJ 717 circa 2007 1
Su Yu Min v Ketua Polis Negeri [2005] 3 CLJ 875 circa 2005 1
[2005] 3 CLJ 921 [2005] 3 CLJ 921 circa 2005 1
Alanga Medical Hall and 2002 2 CLJ 133 circa 2002 1
Abdul Ghani Haroon v Ketua Polis Negara & Another Application (No 3) [2001] 2 CLJ 709 circa 2001 1
Noor Ashid Sakib v Ketua Polis Negara [2001] 4 CLJ 737 circa 2001 1

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