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Sh Swapan Kumar Das v Union of India through The Chief Statistician of India and Secretary - Case   flag 

[2011] INCAT 3361
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
20th October, 2011

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 2000 SC 3243 AIR 2000 SC 3243 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 7
Air 2008 SC 1817 AIR 2008 SC 1817 Supreme Court of India India circa 2008 flag 5
BC Chaturvedi v Union of India [1996] INSC 1022; (1995) 6 SCC 749; [1996] Lab IC 462; (1995) 6 SCALE 188; (1995) 8 JT 65; AIR 1996 SC 484; [1996] SCC (L & S) 80 Supreme Court of India India 26 Aug 1996 LIIofIndia flag 309
Mysore & Anr v Syed Mahmood [1968] INSC 58; (1968) 3 SCR 363; AIR 1968 SC 1113 Supreme Court of India India 4 Mar 1968 LIIofIndia flag 21
RS Garg Vs Up AIR 2006 SC 2912 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 7
State Bank of India v Mohd Mynuddin [1987] INSC 176; (1987) 4 SCC 486; 1987 2 SCALE 53; 1987 3 JT 89; 1987 3 SCR 532; AIR 1987 SC 1889 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 LIIofIndia flag 10
Suraj Prakash Gupta & Others Vs Jammu & Kashmir AIR 2000 SC 2386 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 11
University of Mysore and Anr v CD Govinda Rao and Anr AIR 1965 SC 491 Supreme Court of India India circa 1965 flag 72

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