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Lau Chee Kai v Pendakwa Raya - B-05-302-2009   flag 

[2011] MYCA 150
Court of Appeal of Malaysia
20th September, 2011

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Oh Thevesa v Sia Hok Chai [1966] 1 MLJ 215 Malaysia circa 1966 LexisNexis flag 7
PP v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457; (2006) 6 AMR 211 Malaysia circa 2006 flag 59
Aris v PP [2009] 2 CLJ 800 circa 2009 9
Prosecutor v Lee Pak (1937) 6 MLJ 265 Malaysia circa 1937 LexisNexis flag 1
Mat v Public Prosecutor (1963) 29 MLJ 263 Malaysia circa 1963 LexisNexis flag 13
Public Prosecutor v Raymond Chia Kim Chwee [1985] 2 MLJ 437 Malaysia circa 1985 LexisNexis flag 1
1 Mac 2008 1 MAC 2008 Malaysia circa 2008 flag 1
Yusoff v PP [2001] 3 MLJ 1 Malaysia circa 2001 LexisNexis flag 49
Subramaniam v Public Prosecutor (1956) 22 MLJ 220 Malaysia circa 1956 LexisNexis flag 6
Hanafi Mat Hassan v PP (2006) 3 CLJ 269 circa 2006 2
Munusamy v Public Prosecutor [1987] 1 MLJ 492 Malaysia circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 46

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