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Maa Vaishno Devi Mahila Mahavidyalaya v Up   flag 

[2012] INSC 788
Supreme Court of India
13th December, 2012

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Regulations, 2009 (NT) s7
Courts Act, 1971

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
1996 2 SC 692 1996 2 SC 692 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1996 flag 3
Tamil Nadu & Anr v Adhiyaman Educational & Research Institute [1995] INSC 194; (1995) 4 SCC 104; 1995 3 JT 136; 1995 2 SCALE 401 Supreme Court of India India 24 Mar 1995 LIIofIndia flag 38
Rajan Purohit v Rajasthan University of Health Science 8 SCALE 71 Supreme Court of India India circa 1995 flag 4
7 SCC 258 7 SCC 258 circa 1995 14
7 SCC 120 7 SCC 120 circa 1995 11
6 SCC 131 6 SCC 131 circa 1995 10
6 SCC 36 6 SCC 36 6
5 SCC 231 5 SCC 231 circa 1995 8
4 SCC 527 4 SCC 527 circa 1995 2
3 SCC 321 3 SCC 321 circa 1995 16
GP Stewart v BK Roy Choudhury AIR 1939 Cal 628 India - West Bengal circa 1939 flag 7

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