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"Law Students' Motivations, Expectations and Levels of Psychological Distress: Evidence of Connections"   flag  7

(2012) 22 Legal Education Review 71
Larcombe, Wendy; Malkin, Ian; Nicholson, Pip
Legal Education Review

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"A Compulsory Dispute Resolution Capstone Subject: An Important Inclusion in a 21st Century Australian Law Curriculum" [2017] LegEdRev 5 Field, Rachael M; Roy, Alpana Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag
"Judicial Stress and Judicial Bullying" [2014] QUTLawRw 2 Kirby, Michael Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Creating a Healthy Group Work Learning Environment in Law Classes" [2014] QUTLawRw 6 Rundle, Olivia Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Taking Hints from Hogwarts: UOW's First year Law Immersion Program" [2013] JlALawTA 13 Sharp, Cassandra; Bond, Margaret; Mundy, Trish; Murray, Karina; Quilter, Julia Australia circa 2013 AustLII flag
"Reading Law: Motivating Digital Natives to 'Do the Reading:" (2013) 23 Legal Education Review 177 Spencer, Liesel; Seymour, Elen Australia circa 2013 AustLII flag 4
"Valuable Learning, Unwelcome Assessment: What LLB and JD Students Really Think about Group Work" (2014) 36 Sydney Law Review 291 Steel, Alex; Huggins, Anna; Laurens, Julian Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 2
"The Possibility Of Wellbeing: Preliminary Results From Surveys Of Australian Professional Legal Education Students" [2014] QUTLawRw 4 Tang, Stephen; Ferguson, Anneka Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Changing Our Thinking: Empirical Thinking on Law Student Wellbeing, Thinking Styles and the Law Curriculum" (2011) 21 Legal Education Review 149 Legal Education Review Australia circa 2011 HeinOnline flag 18
"Law Students' Attitudes to Education: Pointers to Depression in the Legal Academy and the Profession" (2009) 19 Legal Education Review 3 Legal Education Review Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 34
"Performance in Law School: What Matters in the Beginning" (2008) 18 Legal Education Review 95 Legal Education Review Australia circa 2008 HeinOnline flag 7
"Better to Light a Single Candle than to Curse the Darkness: Promoting Law Student Well-being through a First Year Law Subject" (2012) 12 Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 133 Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal Australia - Queensland circa 2012 AustLII flag 13
"Creating a Healthy Group Work Learning Environment in Law Classes" [2014] QUTLawRw 6 Rundle, Olivia Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Taking Hints from Hogwarts: UOW's First year Law Immersion Program" [2013] JlALawTA 13 Sharp, Cassandra; Bond, Margaret; Mundy, Trish; Murray, Karina; Quilter, Julia Australia circa 2013 AustLII flag
"Reading Law: Motivating Digital Natives to 'Do the Reading:" (2013) 23 Legal Education Review 177 Spencer, Liesel; Seymour, Elen Australia circa 2013 AustLII flag 4
"Valuable Learning, Unwelcome Assessment: What LLB and JD Students Really Think about Group Work" (2014) 36 Sydney Law Review 291 Steel, Alex; Huggins, Anna; Laurens, Julian Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 2
"Distress and Depression among Australian Law Students: Incidence, attitudes and the role of universities" (2010) 32 Sydney Law Review 113 Sydney Law Review Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag 9
"The Possibility Of Wellbeing: Preliminary Results From Surveys Of Australian Professional Legal Education Students" [2014] QUTLawRw 4 Tang, Stephen; Ferguson, Anneka Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Human Nature as a New Guiding Philosophy for Legal Education and the Profession" (2008) 47 Washburn Law Journal 247 Washburn Law Journal United States circa 2008 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 12

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