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"The Indigenous Constitutional System in a Changing South Africa"   flag 

[2013] SPECJU 4
Koyana, DS
South Africa

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Sigcau v Sigcau [1944] AD 67 circa 1944 7
Bangindawo v Head of the Nyanda Regional Authority 1998 3 SA 262 South Africa circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 6
Sigcau v R (1895) 12 SC 256 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1895 flag 2
48 Act 24 48 Act 24 United Kingdom circa 1998 flag 2
S v Kwinana 1985 3 SA 369 South Africa circa 1985 LexisNexis flag 1
Yatawara v Pabilis Singho - NLR - 237 of 15 [1912] LKCA 26; (1912) 15 NLR 237 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 28 Feb 1912 AsianLII flag 1
120 Act 6 120 Act 6 United Kingdom circa 1912 flag 1
Disputes and Claims The 116 Act 23 United Kingdom circa 1912 flag 1
101 Act 38 101 Act 38 United Kingdom circa 1912 flag 1
Butterworth, Tsomo and Nqamakwe 78 Act 25 United Kingdom circa 1912 flag 1
Mathibe v The Lieutenant (No 7 TH 557 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1912 flag 1

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