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Yogendra Pratap Singh v Savitri Pandey & Anr   flag 

[2014] INSC 695
Supreme Court of India
19th September, 2014

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 2000 SC 954 AIR 2000 SC 954 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 3
Arun Hegde and Anr v MJ Shetty, ILR [2001] Kar 3295 Pakistan circa 2001 flag 3
Bapulal B Kacchi v Krupachand Jain [2004] Criminal Law Journal (India) 1140 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 2004 flag 3
Ganga Ram Singh v UP [2005] Criminal Law Journal (India) 3681 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 2005 flag 3
Kusum Ingots & Alloys Ltd v Pennar Peterson Securities Ltd (2000) 2 SCC 745 circa 2000 12
M/s Harpreet Hosiery Rehari v Nitu Mahajan [2000] Criminal Law Journal (India) 3625 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 2000 flag 3
Rattan Chand v Kanwar Ram Kripal and Anr [2010] Criminal Law Journal (India) 706 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 2010 flag 3
Smt Hem Lata Gupta v UP and Anr [2002] Criminal Law Journal (India) 1522 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 2002 flag 3
14 SCC 753 14 SCC 753 circa 2002 2
121 DLT 297 121 DLT 297 India - Delhi circa 2002 flag 3
2003 1 Raj 673 2003 1 Raj 673 Sri Lanka circa 2003 flag 3

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