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National Interest Analysis — Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement   flag  20

[2016] ATNIA 4
Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Agreement between Australia and the US reaffirming provisions in AUSFTA regarding transparency and procedural fairness for pharmaceutical products and medical devices [2016] ATNIF 19 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and the US confirming that provisions in the TPP regarding certain aspects of intellectual property supersede those in AUSFTA [2016] ATNIF 18 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and the US confirming that notwithstanding the TPP, provisions in AUSFTA permit the public non-commercial use of patents [2016] ATNIF 17 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and the US confirming that government procurement thresholds in the TPP supersede those in AUSFTA [2016] ATNIF 16 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Chile confirming that government procurement thresholds in the TPP supersede those in the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement [2016] ATNIF 15 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Vietnam permitting Vietnam to require that cross-border electronic payment services be supplied through a gateway operated by a national switching facility licensed by the State Bank of Vietnam [2016] ATNIF 14 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Vietnam providing for the establishment of a process to determine whether an Australian investor may retain its investment in a Vietnamese airline [2016] ATNIF 13 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Vietnam terminating the bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement signed in 1991 [2016] ATNIF 12 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Peru terminating the bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement signed in 1995 [2016] ATNIF 11 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and New Zealand providing that provisions in the TPP regarding trade remedies and ISDS do not apply between the two parties; and limiting the scope of a provision in the TPP allowing for New Zealand to provide non-commercial assistance to state-owned airlines [2016] ATNIF 10 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Mexico terminating the bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement signed in 2005 [2016] ATNIF 9 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and the US providing for future consultations to consider the possibility of modifying access into the US sugar market [2016] ATNIF 8 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and the US suspending provisions in AUSFTA providing tariff rate quotas for beef and dairy and agricultural safeguards, and confirming that the applicable tariff rate quotas are those set out in the TPP [2016] ATNIF 7 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Peru establishing protections for distinctive Peruvian products [2016] ATNIF 6 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Mexico establishing protections for distinctive Mexican products [2016] ATNIF 5 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Japan outlining the process by which access to Japan's rice market shall be determined [2016] ATNIF 4 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Agreement between Australia and Chile reaffirming provisions in the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement regarding distinctive products [2016] ATNIF 3 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Governments of: Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States of America and Vietnam [2016] ATNIF 2 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 22

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) †  Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Telecommunications Services in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Will the Mobile Roaming Provisions Benefit Tourists and Traders?" (2016) 17 Melbourne Journal of International Law 404 Kotlowitz, Danny; Voon, Tania Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 2
"Intellectual Property in the TPP: Not 'the New TRIPS'" (2016) 17 Melbourne Journal of International Law 257 Weatherall, Kimberlee Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag

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