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A v Cornwall Council   flag  1

[2017] EWHC 842 (QB)
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
28th April, 2017

Legislation Cited

s7, s47
Legislation Name Provision
Mental Health Act (NSW)
Children Act 1989 s7

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Re L (Care: Threshold Criteria) [2007] 1 FLR 2050 Australia circa 2007 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 120
A v Cornwall Council [2017] EWHC 842 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2017 BAILII flag
GD & BD v Wakefield MBC & Others [2016] EWHC 3312 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2016 BAILII flag
R (Eunice and Owen Johns) v Derby City Council [2011] EWHC 375 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2011 BAILII flag
Re L (Care Proceedings: Human Rights Claims) [2003] EWHC 665 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2003 BAILII flag

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