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Barns v Commissioner, Queensland Fire & Emergency Services   flag  2

[2017] QCAT 263
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Australia - Queensland
7th August, 2017

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Barns v Commissioner Queensland Fire and Emergency Services [2019] QCAT 2 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Queensland 4 Jan 2019 AustLII flag
PJC v Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services [2017] QCAT 350 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Queensland 20 Oct 2017 AustLII flag 2

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Disaster Management Bill 2003 (Qld)
Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld) s4, s14A, s14B, s35, s35C
Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld) s3, s4, s5, s121, s125
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld) s21, s100, s102, s121, s123, s124, s125, s157

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd [1997] HCA 2; (1997) 187 CLR 384; (1997) 141 ALR 618; (1997) 71 ALJR 312; (1997) 9 ANZ Insurance Cases 61-348; [1997] 3 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1997 AustLII flag 1950
Dyankov v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCAFC 81; (2017) 251 FCR 93; (2017) 72 AAR 240 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 May 2017 AustLII flag 12
Murphy v Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2017] QCAT 164 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Australia - Queensland 26 May 2017 AustLII flag 2
Shin Kobe Maru ” v Empire Shipping Co Inc (1994) 181 CLR 404 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1994 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 488
Talacko v Bennett [2017] HCA 15; (2017) 260 CLR 124; 343 ALR 242; (2017) 91 ALJR 564 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 May 2017 AustLII flag 35

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