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"New Directions in Trade and Investment Agreements for Public Health: The Case of Alcohol Labelling"   flag 

(2020) 21 Melbourne Journal of International Law 403
Mitchell, Andrew D; O'Brien, Paula
Melbourne Journal of International Law

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"A Breakthrough with the TPP: The Tobacco Carve-Out" (2016) 16 Yale Journal of Health Policy Law and Ethics 327 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics United States circa 2016 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"A Global Legal Instrument for Alcohol Control: Options, Prospects and Challenges" (2021) 12 (2) European Journal of Risk Regulation 499 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
"Global Intergovernmental Initiatives to Minimise Alcohol Problems: Some Good Intentions, but Little Action" (2021) 12 (2) European Journal of Risk Regulation 419 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
"If One Thai Bottle Should Accidentally Fall: Health Information, Alcohol Labelling and International Investment Law" (2020) 21 (5) Journal of World Investment & Trade 674 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2020 flag 1
"In Search of Coherence between Trade and Health: Inter-Institutional Opportunities" (2010) 25 Maryland Journal of International Law 143 Maryland Journal of International Law United States circa 2010 flag 3
"Marginalising Health Information: Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement For Alcohol Labelling" (2017) 41 Melbourne University Law Review 341 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag 1
"Public Health and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" (2015) 5 (2) Asian Journal of International Law 279 Asian Journal of International Law India circa 2015 flag 1
"Safeguarding Public Welfare? — Intellectual Property Rights, Health and the Evolution of Treaty Drafting in International Investment Agreements" (2015) 6 (2) Journal of International Dispute Settlement 252 Journal of International Dispute Settlement United Kingdom circa 2015 flag 1
"The Right to Regulate in Investor-State Arbitration: Slicing and Dicing Regulatory Carve-Outs" (2017) 50 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 355 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law United States circa 2017 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for Health Protection" (2017) 51 Journal of World Trade 159 Journal of World Trade United States circa 2017 flag 1
(1988) 1976 Unts 389 (1988) 1976 UNTS 389 International circa 1976 flag 2
(2003) 2257 Unts 103 (2003) 2257 UNTS 103 International circa 2003 flag 2
(2003) 2302 Unts 166 (2003) 2302 UNTS 166 International circa 2003 flag 18
(2008) 2590 Unts 101 (2008) 2590 UNTS 101 International circa 2008 flag 2
(2017) 28 (3) European Journal of International Law 669 (2017) 28 (3) European Journal of International Law 669 European Journal of International Law United Kingdom circa 2017 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
[2021] European Journal of Risk Regulation 514 [2021] European Journal of Risk Regulation 514 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People ’ s Republic of China on the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investments [1988] ATS 14 Australia circa 1988 AustLII flag 6
Agreement to Amend the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (Canberra, 13 October 2016) [2017] ATS 26 Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag 3
Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement [2005] ATS 1 Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 51
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (Santiago, 8 March 2018) [2018] ATS 23 Australia circa 2018 AustLII flag 7
Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Hong Kong, China and associated side letters (Sydney, 26 March 2019) [2020] ATS 4 Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag 2
Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Peru (Canberra, 12 February 2018) [2020] ATS 6 Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag 2
Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea [2014] ATS 43 Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 12
Gats (1994) 1867 UNTS 3 International circa 1994 flag 143
Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China [2015] ATS 15 Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag 9
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Governments of: Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States of America and Vietnam [2016] ATNIF 2 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 22
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) 1155 UNTS 331 International circa 1969 flag 536
3 American Journal of Law and Medicine 332 3 American Journal of Law and Medicine 332 American Journal of Law and Medicine United States circa 2016 flag 1

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