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Matching Cases: 8

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
18 Beat 866 18 Beat 866 Court of Chancery Republic of Ireland flag 1
Matter of Cager 18 NE 866; 111 NY 343 United States - New York flag 1
Bacon v Green 18 So 866; 36 Fla 313 United States - Florida flag 1
Musadee Mahomed Cazum Sherazee,-Appellant; Meerza Ally Mahomed Shoostry, and Bebee Mariam Begum,-Respondents [1851] EngR 493; 18 ER 866 United Kingdom circa 1851 CommonLII flag
FB Duvall Ltd v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (2006) 22 NZTC 18,866 New Zealand circa 2006 CCH New Zealand flag 1
(1913) 18 IC 866 (1913) 18 IC 866 United Kingdom circa 1913 flag
Arkansas Wholesale Grocers' Ass'n v Federal Trade Commission (C C A) 18 F2d 866 United States Westlaw flag 6
Hans Gether Plaintiff below, Appellant; Mark Capper Defendant below, Respondent [1856] EngR 680; 139 ER 1613; (1856) 18 CB 866 United Kingdom circa 1856 CommonLII flag

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