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Matching Cases: 19

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Fewquay v Page 907 F2d 1046; 54 Empl Prac Dec P 40,126 United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit United States 13 Jul 1990 WorldLII flag 1
Gosling v McCombie [1972] HCA 40; (1972) 126 CLR 487; [1972-73] ALR 273; 46 ALJR 468 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Jul 1972 AustLII flag 7
Green v Superior Court 707 P2d 248; 219 Cal Rptr 186; 40 Cal3d 126 United States - California flag 1
John M Brant Co v United States 40 F2d 126; 69 Ct Cl 516 United States Westlaw flag 1
McCulloh v Doyle 55 P2d 739; 40 NM 126 United States - New Mexico flag 2
R v Dolan R v Schiffmann [1918] VicLawRp 98; [1919] VLR 55; 24 ALR 442 Australia - Victoria 5 Dec 1918 AustLII flag
Railways Salaried Officers Award 1960 [1969] CthArbRp 40; (1969) 126 CAR 880 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 4 Feb 1969 AustLII flag
Re Polemis [1921] 3 KB 560; [1921] All ER 40; 126 LT 154 United Kingdom circa 1921 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 110
Southern Equipment Co v Christensen 40 FRD 126 United States flag 2
TPC v Nicholas Enterprises Pty Ltd [1979] ATPR 40-126 Australia circa 1979 IntelliConnect flag 13
Trade Practices Commission v Nicholas Enterprises Pty Ltd (No 2) [1979] FCA 51; 26 ALR 609; (1979) 40 FLR 83; (1979) 2 ATPR 40-126 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Sep 1979 AustLII flag 65
(1877) 40 LJCh 126 (1877) 40 LJCh 126 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1877 flag
(1916) 40 Bom 126 (1916) 40 Bom 126 India - Maharashtra circa 1916 flag 1
(1940) 40 NSWLR 126 (1940) 40 NSWLR 126 Australia - New South Wales circa 1940 LexisNexis AU flag 2
40 Ill 126 40 Ill 126 United States - Illinois flag 1
40 NW2d 126 40 NW2d 126 United States flag 1
40 So 126 40 So 126 United States flag 1
40 WN 126 40 WN 126 United Kingdom flag 1
5 Atpr 40-126 5 ATPR 40-126 Australia IntelliConnect flag 1

Matching Law Journal Articles: 2

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Reflections on the Commercial List as at the commencement of 2009" (2009) 126 Australian Construction Law Newsletter 6 Einstein, Clifford Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag
"Equitable Compensation for Breach of Trust: Off Target" (2016) 40 MelbULawRw 126 Matthew Conaglen Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag

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