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R v Butler   flag  6

50 CCC (3d) 97; 46 CRR 124; 72 CR (3d) 18; (1989) 6 WWR 35; (1989) 60 Man R (2d) 82
Canada - Manitoba

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Society for the Promotion of Community Standards Incorporated [1992] NZIndPubT 123 New Zealand 24 Dec 1992 NZLII flag
R v Butler [1992] 1 SCR 452; (1992) 89 DLR (4th) 449; (1992) 8 CRR (2d) 1; (1992) 70 CCC (3d) 129; 134 NR 81; 11 CR (4th) 137; [1992] 2 WWR 577 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 27 Feb 1992 Supreme Court of Canada flag 47
Penthouse (US), Re [1991] NZIndPubT 4; 1 NZBORR 429; [1991] NZAR 289 New Zealand 28 Mar 1991 NZLII flag 17

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) †  Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Kendall, Christopher N --- "Australia's New Internet Censorship Regime: Is this Progress?" [1999] DigTechLawJl 16 (1999) 1 (3) Digital Technology Law Journal 16 Kendall, Christopher N Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag
"A review of Western Australia's new censorship laws in light of recent North American pronouncements on pornographic harm : some thoughts on immorality and how not to achieve systematic equality" (1997) 1 Southern Cross University Law Review 1 Kendall, Christopher; Roche, Lisa Australia circa 1997 AustLII flag
"A State's Increasing Role in Monitoring Expression: New Zealand's New Censorship Regime" (1996) 6 (2) Canterbury Law Review 333 Cheer, Ursula New Zealand circa 1996 NZLII flag

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