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Ucc v Herrick   flag 

874 F2d 594
United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
United States
17th May, 1989

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Hanson v Funk Seeds Int'l 373 NW2d 30 United States flag 5
Peterson v Safway Steel Scaffolds Co 400 NW2d 909 United States flag 4
Zacher v Budd Co 396 NW2d 122 United States flag 4
Crandell v Larkin & Jones Appliance Co 334 NW2d 31 United States flag 3
Johnson v John Deere Co 306 NW2d 231 United States flag 3
Smith v Smith 278 NW2d 155 United States flag 3
Schmaltz v Nissen 431 NW2d 657 United States flag 2
Durham v CIBA-Geigy Corporation 315 NW2d 696 United States flag 2
Kreager v Blomstrom Oil Co 379 NW2d 307 United States flag 1

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